If you are a condominium owner in the Auburn, WA area, it is essential to have the correct information about a condominium insurance policy. Two insurance policies typically protect a condominium in Washington – the condo unit homeowner’s policy and the master insurance policy maintained by the homeowner’s association (HOA).
At Alpine Ridge Insurance, we can offer guidance regarding condominium insurance.
The Master Insurance Policy typically offers coverage for the project’s building and common areas. Like other insurance policies, the master policy has a deductible that the condo unit owner may be responsible for. Unit owners should understand their required contribution. In addition, the HOA Master Policy may contain gaps in coverage that condo unit owners may want to discuss with our insurance professionals at Alpine Ridge Insurance.
Condo insurance covers the unit’s inside or “walls in” structure and contents, plus liability coverage. This generally includes upgrades, renovations, and personal property. The exact insurance coverage depends on the Washington property and personal property value.
Flood insurance is optional unless the condo unit is in a federally designated flood zone. The HOA will likely have flood insurance if the property is within a flood zone. However, unit owners can choose to purchase their own flood insurance to help protect themselves.
Additional information about condominium insurance policies is available through our licensed professionals at Alpine Ridge Insurance in Auburn, WA. We can be reached at 253-833-9501 or by email. We look forward to speaking with you.