Drivers in Washington state have some gorgeous scenery to enjoy. Hopefully, it isn’t so gorgeous, it is a distraction. Alpine Ridge Insurance in Auburn, WA is a multi-generational family insurance company. We want to get to know you so that we can give you the level of service you deserve from your local independent insurance agent.
Washington state auto insurance requirements
The required type of insurance in Washington state is liability coverage. The mandated amount to comply with the law is 25/50/10. That is $25,000 in bodily injury for one person and $50,000 for multiple injuries. Given the cost of medical care, this amount could be very inadequate. If the injuries go greater, you could end up paying out a lot of money that you may not have. With only $10,000 for property damage, hopefully, you won’t have an accident with a new vehicle.
If you have an auto loan, you will need to cover the car, which requires collision and comprehensive coverage. Collision coverage is exactly what it sounds like, coverage for damage due to a collision. It can be with another car where you are at fault, it can be a one-car accident or a hit and run.
Comprehensive coverage is sometimes called non-collision coverage. Many things can cause damage to your vehicle that doesn’t involve a collision. If your vehicle is stolen, you want to be able to replace it. If you are driving down the road and a deer runs into your vehicle, it can cause a lot of damage. Weather can cause many different types of auto damage. If a rock flies up and hits your windshield, you will be able to get it replaced.
Contact Alpine Ridge Insurance in Auburn, WA at our office by stopping by or giving us a call. We look forward to serving your insurance needs.